Building the next generation of
human rights advocates
and change makers.

Supporting the process from research to advocacy and reform.

The laws that govern us impact every aspect of our lives.

Liberty Victoria’s Rights Advocacy Project is building a community of advocates, lawyers, activists and change makers with the skills to use law to tackle social injustice and to transform the world.

The Rights Advocacy Project (formerly Young Liberty for Law Reform) was founded in 2013 as a program of Liberty Victoria. Our objectives are to:

  • Create a fairer and more just legal system that respects human rights and civil liberties.

  • Equip our program advocates with the skills, knowledge and tools to plan and execute strategic advocacy projects in pursuit of systemic and social change.

  • Build a community of the next generation of human rights advocates.

  • Empower and work with communities that are impacted by the laws and policies we seek to change.

We run an 18-month program that takes each cohort of program advocates through a rigorous process of training and capacity building supported by leading lawyers and advocates in their field, to research, develop and deliver a law reform project. The program also encourages our advocates to reflect on the role of lawyers in tackling systemic change.

Our projects focus on civil liberties and human rights issues impacting refugees and people seeking asylum, First Nations justice, criminal justice reform, economic justice and government accountability.

We find new ways to tackle social injustice. Our work is bold, rigorous, creative and strategic. Our work has been used to develop recommendations and resources for campaigners, institutions, and politicians to be able to ensure laws and policies are just and equitable for every person.

Criminal Justice Reform

What happens to people when they’re released from prison? Does deterrence work? And how do we ensure the criminal justice system doesn’t just entrench social inequality?

We don’t think these kinds of questions get enough attention.

We advocate for an evidence-based criminal justice system that respects human rights, priortises rehabilitation over punishment wherever possible ad ultimately leads to safer communities.

Equality and Government Accountability

We believe governments should practice transparency at all levels, to ensure they operate for the benefit of everyone they govern.

Four young law refomers smiling and holding a copy of the Ngaga-Dji report, wearing thsirts reading 'Young Voices Creating Change'

Indigenous Justice

Australia was founded on genocide. And in big and small ways every day, first nations peoples are confronted with the consequences. Fighting for Indigenous justice is an integral in creating a fair society for all Australians.


Refugees and People Seeking Asylum

When people come to Australia seeking safety, you would hope they would be welcomed with open arms. Instead, the Government turns their boats back, locks them up offshore, denies them adequate medical treatment and separates them from their families. This has to change.


“Taking part in the Rights Advocacy Project has been more than just writing a law reform report. It has meant building a network and being a part of a community. It offers you the chance to connect with people in the community who care about the same issues as you and work collaboratively together to inspire change on these matters.”

- Isabella Farrell-Hallegraeff, program particpant



Feel free to contact us with any questions.
